Hi! New here?
Not to worry.. we make it easy. First, you’ll need to choose a stylist and book directly with them.
Okay.. but why?
We want to make sure your chosen stylist and you are a good fit, we’ll ask you a few question about your hair history. We want to ensure our vision and processes are a perfect fit for you and your hair goals.
We’re all about the details! Our stylist will analyze your hair type, curl pattern, porosity, density, and ask you questions about your hair history, we do this so we can inform you what may or may not be achievable during your appointment(s).
You may learn something new..
How much will this cost me?
We want nothing more than to help you achieve your ultimate hair goals, however, we know that comes at an expense, during the consultation our stylist will be transparent with you on how much things will cost. Because we are a small business and your time is valuable, as is ours, we will ask for a payment of $20 which will go towards your first appointment.